Tomorrow I will 30 weeks pregnant! I am not sure what sort of produce Baby Girl #2 will be, but I do know that we have a name for her now. It is the name that we were tossing around for quite some time and even had mentioned to each other before we were ever pregnant. Baby Girl #2 will be named.......
Hollings Domenica Grant.
This name is all family. Worth's mother's maiden name is Hollingsworth. That is where Worth comes from, so we are sort of naming her for Worth, and of course T-love. Well you should know where Domenica comes from, but if you don't my real name is Domenica, it means Sunday in Italian. I just adore that name and would hate for it to go away, so it is not. I don't have a middle name, well at least I did not before I got married, now my middle name is my maiden name. I love that idea of the maiden name becoming the middle name after marriage. I guess Hollings will just have to decide what she wants to do at that time.
So if you love the name you can tell me, if you don't then please don't tell me or say anything about it. Of course then I will get nervous about your silence, but no matter what this is her name!
I took this one picture of BellaRose at her Christmas program and it just reminded me SO much of Hollings' ultrasound picture, don't you think?!