Wednesday, April 25, 2007

37 weeks

On Monday we had some maternity pictures taken by Visio Photography as I have mentioned they are amazing photographers! We felt so honored that they wanted to take our picture. They just came in with all their cameras and just started shooting away. They are so fun and loving. If you ever need a portrait or fine art wedding photographer these are your people. They will have more pictures to come but these are some that they posted on their blog.
We go to the doctor this morning. We will see if there is any progress. My stomach keeps tightening up a lot and it just feels like things are getting harder and harder. Like I have said I am ready, but I guess that does not matter much, it is more when BellaRose is ready. We are anxious to meet her. We have so many questions for her. Maybe she is going to be a soccer player because she really likes to kick. I will ask her questions about that for sure. I can't wait to meet that heel! I will give an update when we get back form the doctor if anything exciting is happening. I can tell you I am really looking forward to not getting on a scale for a really LONG time. I would say until we have our next baby. Talk at you soon.


Shanna Mac said...

Those are incredible!!!!! Tightening is good. Some people go into labor and that's all they feel until the end. We'll be hoping you're one of those! Are you having her at Mission?

Becky Swann said...

You know how I know BellaRose is going to be so beautiful? Cause her momma is!!! I know I saw those last night but they are still fun to look at you look like such a Island Maiden in the first one! and so pretty in the next that one was my favorite!

The Colorado Carrs said...

That is the most beautiful picture in the whole



The Colorado Carrs said...

Ok I can post another get it...

Tighteningis fabulous! I hope you have dialated some! Ohhhh I am so excited. I cant wait to meet her in June! I cant wait to hear all the details of the doc appointment...well the good stuff.. I just cant wait for BellaRose !!!




What did Worth get Dad to do at Lisser's wedding? Hip Hip Horay... or something like that!

The Colorado Carrs said...

What is that word i typed tighteningis ? ha ha

Sunday Grant Photography said...

thank you for the compliments on the pictures. i like the black and white one the best. i am looking forward to seeing the rest. i don't know what worth had you dad say? who knows, i am sure it could be anything. no dialation, but i am losening up! i hope to get there soon. all we know is that we will have a baby in 5 weeks!!!

Unknown said...

O, you are beautiful. Your little Bella Rose is going to cherish these pictures so much. I'm jealous, why do I always have to go through things first ( i.e. wedding, pregnancy). You do things I wish I had known to do. NOT FAIR.....
I'm waiting to get pregnant until you do next, that way I'll know all that you do. HA
The one of you and Worth makes me teary.

KatieKate said...

pfwet-pfew!!! (that's a whistle)

Seriously, Sun- gorgeous.

Heidi King said...

What a treasure those pictures are. It will just remind you of what a gift both pregnancy (even though at times you would not believe it) and that little bundle on board really are. They are timeless pics. I love them!

Niki said...

Those are such beautiful pictures. You look amazing! I do really love the one of you and Worth. That's a perfect advertisement for Visio.

MelissaCoates said...


MC and Brian Phillips said...

Here's a cool, a friend of mine was asking about wedding photographers for a friend's wedding. I remembered Visio from Jen and more recently from your blog about them. So I take her to the site to show her some of their photos, and I'm like, "there's Sunday!!" It was cool. I absolutely LOVE these photos. They're beautiful! I can't wait to see more.

Kim LaViolette said...

Sunday! Those are beautiful. How about BellaRose for a title???? That says it all. For her and you!

Anonymous said...

Sunday! Those pictures are so beautiful and you are so beautiful!! I told you you would be a beautiful pregnant woman!! I can't wait to meet Bella Rose!