Tuesday, January 02, 2007

So this is Christmas...

So I know it has been awhile and I needed to share my final bits of Christmas Joy. I cannot believe how fast everything happened. Our poor tree now sits in the front yeard waiting for a final resting place, which by the way will NOT be in a landfill. I just wanted to show one last picture of our tree in all its glory. I loved this one so much. It was a favorite for sure. Once the presents were gone though I noticed that it was always leaning to the left. I guess it gave it some personality right?

Rainy wants to say Merry Christmas and a Happy New year to you as well. She had a good one although there were no milkbones for her under the tree, that could be why she has a sad face.

This is where the nursery is going to be. As you can see it is in no condition for a tiny little girl to go in. As much as Worth thinks that the deer heads belong, they just don't. I have visions and plans for this room though. We are in the process of doing some cleaning and throwing out. We only have 4 more months. Can you believe it!!! Worth just took out his drum set yesterday. I told him he did not have to do that, but he did anyway. It was pretty sad watching him put them away. I guess we are really growing up!

This is my dreams sort of for the nursery. That is the bedding, and my sister gave us a gorgeous Italian bed that is antiqued looking that I think this will go wonderful with. Worth is going to build us a changing table that is white and I hope to have a white chair in there, but many people are saying a white chair is NOT the way to go. We will see if I listen. As I mentioned before the bottom half of the room will be chocolate brown. A chair rail will seperate the 2 colors and the top half will be "Tea Rose" which is like a real light baby pink. I know the chocolate seems a bit dark, but sun shines in the room all day and with all the white I think it will look fabulous!!! So what do you think ; ). PS- jessica i will work on a belly shot for you. There is starting to be a little bump there. It is pretty wild.


Shanna Mac said...

BEAUTIFUL!!!!!! Happy New Year, and I hope you both had a very Merry Christmas. We parted ways with our tree. It was the bonfire for our New Year's gathering. It seemed a fitting end to give us such joy by the fire after a month in the house. Still, so sad. I wish you could keep them up year round without being considered "those weird people that never take down Christmas."

I can't believe you only have 4 months left. It goes so fast!! Even faster once they're here...

Sunday Grant Photography said...

we would have had a bonfire with our tree but it was pouring rain. i wish that we had. we will save it for another fire. i just loved that tree so much. worth took it down without telling me on new years day. probably better that way :)
i know it is no time at all. the book said i am half way there, but i don't get that. i am telling you the weeks and months thing really throws me off!

The Colorado Carrs said...

Ahh.. I remember those bonfire Christmas tree gatherings...dont you Sun!! Our tree came down yesterday as well. I LOVE the bedding so very cute I cant wait to see the final product!

The weeks and months things always threw me for a loop too. But think of May...it will be here soon!!

Sunday Grant Photography said...

i know may will be here so soon. 4 months. that is crazy and we have so much to do. i tried to take a belly shot today, but did not work out. yes i remember christmas (and surfboard) bonfires well. those were the days right.

jenrodhaynes said...

I love your photos! I think I might have to take lessons from you ;) I also love you're ideas for the baby room! Oh I still can't believe you're going to have a little sweet girl soon! I can't wait until she's old enough for all of us to spoil her!

Love the blog! I'll be checking it regulary from Cosa Rica. I'll miss you so much!