As most of you know right now, we are having another baby girl! BellaRose will have a sister. I don't think that this is bad to say, but both Worth and I had hoped for a boy, but I was thinking the whole time it was probably going to be a girl. I was right. But I have to tell you that I LOVE MY SISTERS!!! I love them with my whole heart. It took us awhile to get as close as we are b/c they are so much older then me (but you can't tell), but now that we are older we are so close. There is nothing like the bond that sisters share and so with that I am thrilled that BellaRose will have a sister! I pray that they will be best of friends and watch out for each other and survive me going through menopause together (this last statement reflects nothing on current mothers of such age)!
The MOST important thing though is that SHE is healthy! The heart looks great, the spine looks great, the kidney looks great, no cleft palette. Health was our biggest prayer and it has been answered! We have no names yet. I have some thoughts. One in particular I am trying to sell Worth on. We will see. At least I don't have to change the nursery......much!
Here are some cute pictures of sweet girl. It seems like we got a lot of good ultra sound pictures of her today.
Thank you for all your love and support! Your excitement over this little girl has made us so excited. We have loved talking to you!

A GIRL! yeah! I can understand wanting a boy also.. but you are right, sisters have some great bonds and it's sweet that BR will have a sister! plus you have lots of cute clothes etc that you can pass down, and then the girls when they get older will share not only toys.. but clothes, makeup and possibly boys! ha! I'm very excited for you both! And a healthy baby is always a blessing! I am super excited for you and Worth! This just means you have to try again for a boy!?! = )
YAY! Sisters are the best! I love mine to pieces! They are built-in best friends! You can always try for another later on ;)
Lots of Love,
Lauren & Will
yeaaaaa. I love my sister. She is the best!!!!!
I am so excited! BellaRose needed a sister, she is so sweet with Ellen! They will be best buddies!
She is so cute in that ultrasound. I can't wait to find out what you are going to name her! Becky? lovely name for a girl!
Aw, lookit her little nose!!! Such a cutie already. Can't wait to meet her!
And so glad everyone is healthy.
I just got back from my appointment today... I've gained 8 pounds in 30 days. Sheesh.
Man- I was wrong, but I TOTALLY see you guys with two sweet, beautiful girls and I'm so happy for you. She looks great in the pictures! I hope mine turn out that good...
I can't wait to hear the names!!!!
I love that little nose, too!! She is going to be so cute! And already sucking her thumb, good girl! I know what you mean, I hope Julia gets to experience how sweet it is to have a sister. They are such a blessing. And I'm happy for BellaRose, too. She is going to have so much fun with her little sister.
We love this new baby already!!
Wow another little baby doll, the middle one is soo sweet, she looks like BR and of course the bottom one with the thumb does even more! How blessed you and we all are to have a healthy baby girl to welcome in the family (and it evens up the number 3&3)Thanks Sun,it is wonderful to see the great ultrasounds!
Congratulations Sunday! Two girls are the best - I can say that with full confidence.
My best wishes to you for the remainder of your pregnancy. Can't wait to "meet" your beautiful girl when she arrives and learn her name.
Jo VanderPloeg
Congratulations Sunday! Two girls are the best - I can say that with full confidence.
My best wishes to you for the remainder of your pregnancy. Can't wait to "meet" your beautiful girl when she arrives and learn her name.
Jo VanderPloeg
I have tears of joy at the awesome news that baby girls is healthy and her profile is beautiful! And Buxton is thrilled that he will have a Grant girl to chase (in case BRosey doesn't go for younger men). Congrats to you both. I wish I could hug you right now. XOXO
yeah for baby girl #2.
I love her already. her little profile is the most precious thing. It is great that she will have such a wonderful big sis too, and big brother in Will.
Isn't it all just an amazing miracle !!? How awesome- congradulations on the new sister-
Mrs. Haynie
Congratulations!!!!! How wonderful!!! Sisters are the BEST!
Sunday! Congrats on another girl! I have been meaning to tell you over email but kept forgetting! I think two girls would be great!
Congratulations!!! Those u/s pics are awesome! Ours are awful! We're having another boy--due Feb. 12th--Maybe our second kids will have the same birthday like our first kids do! :o) I'm so happy for you! Can't wait to hear the name!
You know how excited Matty and I are and Beckett is so excited to have a little Grant girl not even a year younger. Watch out baby girl #2 ;).
Congratulations again. We love you four!!
how exciting!! congratulations!
and what a blessing that she is a healthy baby girl!
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