Monday, May 31, 2010

Ok so I know I am falling behind in my personal photos and blog. Thankfully the photography business has been busy, but that means y photos suffer a bit. Well maybe not suffer but I get behind in taking them off the camera. I have a load of pictures from BellaRose's birthday party that are so fun, but I wanted to document these garden pictures and hiking pictures first.
Worth and BellaRose planted our garden with carrots, beans (green and sugar snaps), silver queen corn, squash, pumpkins cucumber, a variety of peppers, tomatoes, and basil. It is already looking good and we can't wait for the summer bounty! It is neat to watch BellaRose this year with the garden because I think that she really "gets it". Her favorite is carrots.

We also went on a family hike last week that was a lot of fun and as you can tell just gorgeous! We really do live in an awesome place! The girls and I just got back from Atlanta and as much as I love my hometown it is good to get back to these mountains.


Kristin said...

Oh I just love all these pictures! Hollings is beautiful and her hair is so perfect. It's nice to see your pretty face too Sunday!

Becky Swann said...

Things I like about this post
-Hollings' hair
-Your shirt
-the fact that the picture of you and your girls are all making a similar face, they both have your mouth!
-the garden that I am going to take handouts from!

Also is that up on top of lookout?
Glad the photography business is booming lets hang out soon!!!!!!!

Heidi King said...

Ah...these make me want to go hiking. I love these and some of my favorite reasons are...
- one shoe on and one off of BR
- the solemn look BR has in all these pics
- the mouth thing that Becky said, but I noticed on my own
- that there is just soooo much love
Glad you are back

Heidi King said...

-And that BellaRose is wearing the shirt we gave her!!!!

Adam and Annie said...

I love the hiking pictures. I can't believe I get to hug your neck in a week!!!!

Adam and Annie said...

Um, this is from Annie. I'm having a hard time figuring out how to separate my identity from the blog I'm making for Adam and Dan's business! Don't worry Worth! Haha!

Adam and Annie said...

I'm trying to see if it has switched back, sorry for using your blog as my test!

Margaret said...

These pictures are so wonderful. Your hike looks amazing, what a great family outing!!

Courtney said...

Can't wait to see your garden.. you and Worth always have a beautiful one.. I especially love the pumpkins. I did plant some basil this year and just last night Paul made your "chicken holy basil" and it was delicious! =)

I can't get over how grown up your girls are.. and Hollings hair too.. I have a feeling she is definitely going to have your coloring! ;-)

I'm glad the photography business is growing.. I can understand being behind on blogging when business gets busy.. I feel the same way!

Julie said...

what great pictures as always!
gardening and hiking- such wonderful things!

Unknown said...

this is such a sweet post. i love these pictures. hollings has grown into such a happy girl, her smile is amazing. her pout face is also amazing. both very precious!
your girls looks so much like you, i mean they look like worth too, but in these pictures they really look like you.
I can't wait for the grant veggies!!! You are doing so well with your photos, it's awesome to see you flourishing and that people have caught on so quickly to how special your pictures are.