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So lets talk. I have had a lot on my mind lately. Most of it, of course, having to do with BellaRose. She is 8 months old now and I think about how far we have come since May 22, 2007 at 1:46 pm. BellaRose was no easy baby in beginning. In fact it was down right hard. She was so fussy and at times causing us to flee Atlanta like thiefs in the night. Who knows why she was fussy. Maybe she had colic, maybe it was because she got teeth so early, or maybe it is just. who. she. is. I had a wonderfully easy pregnancy, in fact I forgot that I was pregnant until my belly stuck out and reminded me otherwise. Labor was much the same as pregnancy, probably pretty easy as far as labor goes, still really painful, but no complications what so ever. Some may say that is why I ended up with a fussy baby,Easy pregnancy = hard baby. Some even tell me that I will have a easy toddler because I have "paid my dues" in the baby years. We all have to have a reason for things, a cause and effect. I am no different. I like to know why things happen and how they will end up, always! That is the funny thing about being a parent, all 8 months of my experience, is that we really just have no idea how our precious baby will end up. We just hope and pray we make the right choices for her and our family. Hopefully one day she may understand why I had to leave her in her crib and let her cry, or why I would not let her drive when she turned 16 (what!?) Oh well, you get the idea. I think for the most part I have understood the choices my parents made regarding me. If I haven't figured it out now, I guess it really doesn't matter all that much. I think I turned out okay, they may even agree. So by God's grace I will continue to be a mom to BellaRose making choices the best I see fit. I am not sure if we have just settled into being parents or BellaRose just got easier. I am sure it is a combination of many things. She is such a joy. She has so much personality and she makes most people shriek in delight when they see her. Friends no longer believe us when we tell them how hard it was in the beginning and how this baby can scream. They just see a sweet little baby with chubby thighs already talking their ear off! She is so full of goodness. These are just some of the things I have been thinking lately. I guess they are brought on becuase we really see such a change in her. We can acutally sit down with her now. You see we never could before. We always had to be standing and we always had to be holding her. We can put her down on the floor with her toys and cheerios and she is content. She is also desperately trying to crawl right now. She is so close. She will get there and surprisingly we really don't have to do anything to teach her to crawl, learn to walk, or learn to talk. It may not be in the doctor's timing or in the world's timing, but it will happen I am sure of it. We may not have all the toys and books and movies to teach her how to do different things, but she will grow and be strong, and always be showered in love. The bottom line is you just do what you can for your child whether they are easy or hard, crawl at 8 months or a year. It is all the same, we are all in the same fight. We are trying to fight the good fight, doing the best we can.I appreciate you and your willness to go along with me on this one. Cheers!
What a great post! I thought it would end with something like..."and guess what another grant is on the way!"
nice try cat!
yeah my internet is working again!
Good words, I hope you are right about the hard pregnancy=easy baby theory,(for completely selfish reasons) but like you said there is no way to know, I'm so thankful that God does know and always knows what we need. I'm glad BellaRose is in all of our lives!! She is such a blessing! God knew we needed her!
Sunday, what a great post. As my daughter the Kid Doc says read all the books, talk to all the people, pick your path and follow your heart and great things will happen. Someday perhaps our Rose and your BellaRose will meet, what an experience that will be to watch. Rose has always marched to a different drum...
That was the post post yet!!1 ahhhh such a good read. Thank you for being a mom to BR!! She simply is who she is!
Thank you for your honest words, it's always encouraging to hear from the heart of a mom.
It's wonderful to embrace who our children are, "quiet in music class" and all.
I'm so thankful for your friendship and being able to go through this all together is priceless.
I still believe she will be a singer with those lungs.
I totally went along with you on that one. Almost started crying.
That was a very honest and sweet post. I'm with Becky in being so grateful for little BellaRose.
We'll always walk through this with you!
Happy 8 months, BellaRose. You crawl when you want to, kiddo. You're still a month ahead of your buddy Rylie.
I'm totallywith you, sista! All in their own time! :) BR is as precious as ever. We've gotta love every second, they're going by too fast.
Such honest words from a seasoned mother.. even though you may feel like your 8 months as a mom isn't "seasoned" it is.. I'm always amazed at the things God gives us.. the people He places in our lives and the events that change our lives. It has been a tremendious blessing for me to watch (or read) BellaRose grow.. and you to grow right along with her.. just imagine what you'll feel you've experienced when she is 16.. in comparission to what you've learned in 8 months.. oh I just can't imagine!
are you broken down?
when does it get better?? will is so fussy, doesn't sleep, and is SO stubborn! i had an easy pregnancy, too? should i be hoping for morning sickness next time???
xox, gable
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