8 years ago
Friday, July 25, 2008
All about baby
Allow me to brag on my baby for just a moment....
My little Bean Burrito turned 14 months old, one year and 2 months old, on Tuesday and with that birthday she decided that walking would be her main mode of transportation. We made that big declaration last week that she was walking and then we did not see her do it again for awhile, but not this week. With this walking as come a lot of independence on her part, and she is now forming her own opinions. She is still the sweetest thing ever, but she is knowing now more what she likes and does not like. One day she will be eating tomatoes off the vine and the next day she has no interest in them. This is all fine with me. She is exploring and learning. Which brings me to my main point of this blog, I am in awe of watching a human being from the beginning, birth, to now learn how to naturally figure out eating, and crawling, and walking and all the other things that come along with growing up. Babies all do it all in their own time. It is just amazing. I did nothing to teach her how to crawl or walk, she just naturally does it on her own. Isn't that just amazing! BellaRose is just the neatest little person ever, she is so sweet and she loves things in their specific place. She always has to put her sippy on a coaster on the coffee table, this particular action just makes my heart swell with joy, I am sure we all know why! Right now she very into waving to people and telling them "hi". She does this to anyone and everyone that passes her by. She makes tough men with lots of tattoos and earrings (totally stereotyping) who never even looked twice at a baby break out in a smile and wave back to her. She brings such joy to so many. This baby of ours is pretty awesome. The list goes on an on, but I will not bore you with it all right now, but instead drag it out over a period of time! Thank you for letting me brag, I needed to get that out, phew!
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Oh, honey- you brag all you want about that cutie-patootie little kiddo of yours. She is so. darn. cute. Look at her in that chair!!!
Aren't they fun. Grand daughers are just as intriguing, Rose has her own similiar chair at our cottage and sits just like that..I know she believes she owns the world. Bet that what BellaRose is thinking as well.
And this week horses are very in.
It is not boring in the least!!!!
She is so precious
Brag away, darlin', she's worth every second of it!
That picture is perfect for this post! She is pretty amazing, I'm glad I have gotten to see some of this incredibleness first hand!
That is so great about the coaster, next time Chuckie cheese needs evidence she is your baby you just show them that trick:)
So sweet Sun. I'm sad I miss these milestones, but at least I can read about them... Your pics have been great, even Adam commented on them!
She is such a smart little girl. I just love reading about her.
The more that you notice and appreciate those magnificent little wonders and achievements, the more their little hearts grow - the purist of nourishment that can only come from the twinkle of their Mom's eyes.........
She puts her sippy cup on a coaster! AMAZING! Wow.. what a talented and very bright young lady! I would be amazed and proud of her too!
I can't wait to see a wave and hear a "hi" this coming weekend!
what a sweet post!!!!!!
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